Tuesday, 10 February 2009

The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing but .....

I have just been accused of telling lies by someone I don't know and who quite obviously doesn't know me, because if he did he would know that one of my lifelong faults is being incurably honest! It is a failing.....it makes life very hard because generally people don't like the truth, it can cause offence, especially if it catches others out in lies. However I am unlikely to lose sleep over this comment, I lose sleep over much more important things! For instance the fact that I will have to face the BNP at the polls in June, and that I would very much like the other 2 political parties to support my aim to make sure they come a very poor last! However I don't suppose there is much chance of that, as on past performance they will be too busy taking chunks out of each other.
So returning to the truth, the BNP have recently delivered my ward with another load of half truths and misconceptions. The biggest one being that of the issue of immigration, and it seems that Eastern European workers are now the prime traget. Now I seem to remember from my study of History that the straw that broke the camels back regarding the UK's entering the 2nd world war to fight fascism was the invasion of Poland. To anyone who has ever visited that very beautiful country it is utterly apparent that the effects of using the country as a battle ground are still being felt. There is such a thing as global responsibility, and we are all responsible for each other. But then responsibility, as well as the truth, seem to be very uncomfortable concepts to many people!