Strike me down with a feather, or two! Yesterday, our very own Chronicle and Echo, ran a story in which Clyde Loakes, the Labour Parliamentary Candidate (for the past year and a half in case anyone was wondering) admitted he had only ever been a 'paper candidate'. This story had also appeared earlier in the week in the Waltham Forest Guardian from whence Clyde hails.
At the time of the selection, a close run contest between Clyde Loakes and Anjona Roy (who, for the record, is a close personal friend and has been for over 30 years), I wrote a blog entry that gave my opinion. My opinion was that a white man from London (despite his claims of a Northampton childhood) was not the right Candidate for Northampton South, and would only serve to re-open wounds of the past. To cut a very long story short I was 'asked' by the regional office to remove the entry (4 months after publication!) as it may bring the Party into disrepute.
At the risk of eternal damnation, I would publicly ask the Labour Party Regional Office, (and to make myself very clear I do not mean The Labour Party, at the moment we have a country to run and an election to win for everyone's sake!), to remove Clyde Loakes, he appears to have no regard for his Constituency, his electorate, his comrades, and still less for the reputation of the Party.