Tuesday, 28 September 2010

now it's not wot you call rocket science!

oh dear oh dear oh dear! Apparently Northampton Patriot ( and by association the EDL ) are being victimised By Hope not Hate, and by implication myself and Anjona ( although Anjona gets a mention by name......can't have been gobby enough!). Denying them freedom of speech again, how awful! FREEDOM of speech requires FREEDOM of reply. We have the freedom to speak against you, to leaflet and campaign against you, to oppose you in anyway we can that precludes violence, and we will use every power within the law to defeat you......simples

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

an another one from 'mad ramblings'

Marianne Faithful FOREVER X !

Re-dicovered stuff...

I rediscovered something I wrote many years ago regarding 'social inclusion'(I use the inverted comma's intentionally). It is a document entitled 'Mad Ramblings of a Menopausal Mother', I was writing down these frustrations many years ago and many of them are still the same....

'Social Inclusion, under Major it was 'the classless society', but sorry this is not what we mean. We did not mean a society where 'cass' (however you define it) didn't matter, just one where it was ignored, similarly with social inclusion, only if you agree to play by the rules, if not we will punish you.... it is not our problem, it you who cannot fit in, not us with our impossible rules.'