Saturday, 24 October 2009

How Very Dare You

'One mans terrorist is another man's freedom fighter' says Mr Northampton Patriot, whose banal comments on my blog I am beginning to find rather tedious I might add.

People who fight for freedom fight oppression and terror, terrorists cause oppression and create fear. Which category would you put the BNP in? Individuals who seek to cause division, hate and fear within our society cannot, by any stretch of semantics, be defined as freedom fighters.

If Nick Griffin and his ilk expect the right to free speech, however odious some of us might find them, then they should at least allow the same freedom for 0thers. Pleading victimisation doesn't quite do it for me, if you wish to espouse views that the overwhelming majority of people find offensive, then surely you can accept that you are likely to be vilified. This is what is known as common sense.

Most politicians, of whatever hue, accept that being criticised is part of the job. If you can't stand the heat, as they say, get out of the damn kitchen......

Friday, 23 October 2009

Question Time Rocks

Universal contempt and loathing! Just about sums up the reaction to Nick Griffin on Question Time last night. What he admirably demonstrated throughout the programme was his utter disregard and lack of respect for anyone else's opinion or views.

One comment particularly stood out for me, regarding Jack Straw's dad being a conscientious objector during the second world war. Whilst most of my family did join the forces, one great uncle was also an objector. Despite the fact that it made him unpopular, even with the majority of his own family, he stuck to his principles and refused to go to war. Despite this he still became a war casualty when he was killed whilst guarding prisoners of war. Whatever Nick Griffin may believe pacifism is NOT a form of cowardice, the old saying 'wars will cease when men refuse to fight' is an irrefutable fact.

It takes more courage to stand by your moral compass than it does to follow the herd, but then Nick Griffin proved, beyond doubt last night, that what seperates the BNP from other political parties, is their total lack of a moral compass.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Transparency and Honesty

So Nick Griffin is on Question Time tonight, all well and good if we believe in transparency and honesty within the democratic system. However, the BNP do not, if they did then they would allow transparent and honest coverage of their Red, White and Blue Festival which is the closest they come to a political conference.

It is all well and good arguing that with around 6% of the vote in some areas they should be afforded the same democratic rights as other political parties/organisations. But unlike other political organisations they are not prepared to allow the same public access to their events. I hope I am not the only one questioning the motives behind this. Could it be, that unlike other organisations, they have something to hide and do not want the electorate witnessing the 'real' BNP first hand.

I am proud to see that former Ex Young Liberal Chair, Anti Nazi League member and now Labour MP, Peter Hain, is standing up and being counted. The more of us that do so the better,
regardless of party politics or position.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Smoking Cessation

Now there's a mouthful. With the imminent (well 6 months ) arrival of my first grandchild I have decided the time is right to give up smoking. Well, just getting an appointment has been stressful enough. I would have thought they would have bitten my hand off (so to speak), but oh no, I have had to wait over 2 weeks, and not I might add because there are queues of people waiting to quit. Oh no, people want their flu jabs, so all the qualified nurses are busy (or have flu themselves!). aaaargh. Well things can only improve I this space, let battle between me and Nicotine addiction begin (well as from Friday anyway.......).

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Check out Facebook

The Lib Dems are trying to privatise public services in Northampton town through the back door. This is not democracy, nor is it representative of the majority of the electorates views or indeed members of their own party. But since when have they listened, I find it tragic that a once great, innovative, principled political party should have members that stoop to this level. Shame on you. There is a large group of Lib Dems on Facebook that support properly funded public services, maybe our home grown variety should pay attention. In times of recession people become more reliant on public services, not less. They provide jobs, support for the vulnerable and boost the economy, sometime less is not more!

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Small is Beautiful

This is the post I wanted to write before, and is far more important that my anti BNP rant! Tonight the Law was actually mightier than political bullshit! Transparency, democracy and honesty in politics actually won a victory! Arrogance is the biggest disease that has infected our democracy since the mid eighties, and today we, in Northampton, took a small step to deflate that egocentric approach. Blinding, brilliant and incredible achievement.

And now I am an 'ignorant fool'

The wonderful enlightened people that are the BNP have just called me an ignorant fool, thank the gods and all the angels I am! Mr Northampton Patriot (HA!) you are so right, I don't know you, but I did witness you and your so called compatriots behaviour outside a certain polling station where you saw fit to break every electoral law, and intimidate and bully people you saw as vulnerable. You not only wasted my time but that of the Chief Executive and the Electoral Commission, the Police and other public services, not to mention bullying a very well respected member of the Community that is Northampton because he has a learning disability (and a Doctorate......). I may be an ignorant fool but your actions in Delapre reverberated throughout the County, from Tories, Greens, Independents, Lib Dems...... all of them had heard about your behaviour and are not prepared to tolerate you or your ilk.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Time to start blogging again

Well long time no write people. It's all been happening too fast for my very slow brain. The election is over and the BNP were pushed into 4th place in Delapre and Far Cotton, Hurray! Not that they were too happy with the result but I shan't lose sleep over it........

However the nasty people did win two seats in Europe, which to put it mildly is a worry and people need to be on their guard. The BNP will not go away. Ignoring them DOES NOT WORK, campaigning actively against them does!!!! And now we all; need to get out there and keep on putting the message out, THESE ARE NOT NICE PEOPLE!

Monday, 11 May 2009

Sorry I have been away so long but have been a bit busy, check out BNP Northampton Patriot, seems like I am now enemy of the state number one..... which possibly might mean I am; do those people who professing something to be right (pardon the pun) have the guts to stand up and be counted! However, I would like to place something on public record. as a family we recently were privileged enough to have our mytochondrial DNA tested and , boringly. were 100% european, I would challenge those people who profess to be 'pure' to do the same. You pretend to stand for Britain and My country, but prove it! I can through DNA can you?

Monday, 30 March 2009

Here we go

This week is now officially 'artwork week' in that I am going to attempt to get as many leaflets laid up as possible so we will be ready to rock and roll for June, because by god we need to be ready. The full scale destruction of Northampton Town and the entire county is well underway thanks to the Lib Dems (on the Borough) and the Tories (on the County), believe me people things were actually better under a Labour Administration! Now is the time for us to be standing up and allowing ourselves to be counted, to tell the truth and not be ashamed of being socialists!

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Nag Nag Nag

I have been told off for being silent on my blog for too long....although maybe some people may find that to their liking! So what's new in Kathy's world then? Well, firstly I have had a small but significant victory regarding Red Elastic Bands, maybe the sight of these littering the streets does not annoy you as much as it annoys me (and quite a few other people I know), but annoy me they do. So now me and Royal Mail shall be piloting a Red Elastic Band Recycling Scheme, hurray.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing but .....

I have just been accused of telling lies by someone I don't know and who quite obviously doesn't know me, because if he did he would know that one of my lifelong faults is being incurably honest! It is a makes life very hard because generally people don't like the truth, it can cause offence, especially if it catches others out in lies. However I am unlikely to lose sleep over this comment, I lose sleep over much more important things! For instance the fact that I will have to face the BNP at the polls in June, and that I would very much like the other 2 political parties to support my aim to make sure they come a very poor last! However I don't suppose there is much chance of that, as on past performance they will be too busy taking chunks out of each other.
So returning to the truth, the BNP have recently delivered my ward with another load of half truths and misconceptions. The biggest one being that of the issue of immigration, and it seems that Eastern European workers are now the prime traget. Now I seem to remember from my study of History that the straw that broke the camels back regarding the UK's entering the 2nd world war to fight fascism was the invasion of Poland. To anyone who has ever visited that very beautiful country it is utterly apparent that the effects of using the country as a battle ground are still being felt. There is such a thing as global responsibility, and we are all responsible for each other. But then responsibility, as well as the truth, seem to be very uncomfortable concepts to many people!

Monday, 26 January 2009

Welcome to the pleasure dome!

Well the by-election is over! And we came second! Proceedings were of course marred by the sheer bad manners and bad temper exhibited by the Liberal Democrats one it became obvious they were going to come last (couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of people!). Having run a totally unprincipled and dishonest campaign I personally am not at all surprised it came back and bit them full and squarely on the backside, but it seems they think they deserved netter! Although what for is beyond me. They have, in the very short space of 2 years (well slightly less if we are honest) created a black hole financially of over 7 million pounds, lost money on previously profitable events such as the Balloon Festival and consistently made themselves unanswerable to the electorate of Northampton Borough. When Barrack Obama received a vote in the New Duston by-election (remind me to write and tell him) one of the female Lib Dem Councillors (who shall remain nameless) remarked that she "did not understand why people did that". When I pointed out that it was called Democracy and that individuals died to give other individuals the right to use their ballot paper however they so desire (personally I would rather members of the electorate made paper aeroplanes out of them than not use them at all!) she then asked me if "I knew who she was', well yes, but so what, you are no more important than any other member of the electorate, in fact possibly less so as you're position is wholly dependent upon those who vote for you, and given the performance of the Lib Dem Council in Northampton are unlikely to vote for you again unless you get your fingers out and do what you were elected to do which is serve the people not your own importance and self-interest! So that's my tantrum over with for now, god bless democracy and all who sail in her!

Monday, 19 January 2009

Happy Days are here again.....

Now here I was naively thinking that this whole politics thing was about winning , beating the Tories, and representing the electorate as best you can. Silly me, although after all these years I suppose I should know better! I did NOT think that it was about having to fight with members of my own party at the most basic level, regarding integrity, honesty and trust. I resent having my knowledge, integrity and abilities being questioned by members from other constituencies, who quite frankly are behaving like schoolchildren telling tales to teacher, only being aware of (at most) half the facts. It is no wonder the electorate think that politicians are out of touch because quite frankly most of them are, even with members of their own Party!