Thursday, 22 October 2009

Transparency and Honesty

So Nick Griffin is on Question Time tonight, all well and good if we believe in transparency and honesty within the democratic system. However, the BNP do not, if they did then they would allow transparent and honest coverage of their Red, White and Blue Festival which is the closest they come to a political conference.

It is all well and good arguing that with around 6% of the vote in some areas they should be afforded the same democratic rights as other political parties/organisations. But unlike other political organisations they are not prepared to allow the same public access to their events. I hope I am not the only one questioning the motives behind this. Could it be, that unlike other organisations, they have something to hide and do not want the electorate witnessing the 'real' BNP first hand.

I am proud to see that former Ex Young Liberal Chair, Anti Nazi League member and now Labour MP, Peter Hain, is standing up and being counted. The more of us that do so the better,
regardless of party politics or position.

1 comment:

Northants Patriot said...

Kathy, I know the Labour party have an inability to tell the truth, so let me put you straight on a couple of lies.. or maybe you would rather plead ignorance. So what is it blatant lies or poor research, either way it makes you look shoddy.

People that are not members of the BNP are not allowed in to RWB for the safety of the women and children that are there from Rabid UAF thugs (like the ones seen on the news tonight before Question Time.)

Secondly, shock horror, the BNP do have an annual conference, which was broadcast live in its entirity over the internet last year. Highlights are still available to view now..if you look hard enough you might even see me putting forward a motion. So much for not being transparrent and having something to hide!