Monday, 26 July 2010

Happy Shiny People Again

I keep forgetting the world really is full of happy shiny people and that it doesn't actually take much, on a day to day basis, to help people be happier and shinier..... the wonderful community that is the United Kingdom, for those of us that are proud to be part of this small collection of islands, to be tolerant, inclusive, opposed to injustice and unfairness, to be, as a community prepared to fight tyranny to the depths of our souls, regardless of prejudice.

To those bigotted individuals who claim to be patriots, who claim to be 'British' or 'English', there is no such race, and no such Nation. We are the United Kingdom, we are celtic. we are pict, we are roman, we are saxon, we are viking, we are irish, we are norman, we are welsh, we are scandinavian, we are scots, we are dutch, we are asian, we are chinese, we are afro carribean, we are african, we are jewish, we are catholic, we are protestant, we are methodist, we are quakers, we are hindu, we are buhdist, we are calvinist, we are muslim, we are jehovahs witnesses, but above all we are the Borg! Resistance is Futile!

1 comment:

Nicky S said...

Never thought about it like that before.

You have the most wonderful way of making a point.

Please post (or let me borrow ~ with proper credit of course) to facebook.