Sunday 14 September 2008

Confused and concerned......

Why? As selection for Northampton South approaches I am confused and concerned that very few of those people applying for the seat actually come from Northampton, there are prospective candidates from London and as far away as Birmingham and Swansea. It seems that many 'politicians' will apply for any seat going, without any local knowledge, commitment or proven local activism, just to become a prospective parliamentary candidate! Not to mention those that apply whilst already having responsibilities in their own locality, personally I do not see how you can be an effective candidate AND fulfil commitments already made to the electorate in another constituency.

I would be asking questions such as, are you prepared to resign your commitments to concentrate on Northampton South, are you prepared to move to represent the electorate and most importantly why are you prepared to abandon those people who have put their faith in you to represent them?

I have always firmly believed that anyone who wishes to stand for election should live in the constituency (and if standing locally should preferably live in the ward! Although I do accept that this is not always possible.), have local knowledge and proven local commitment. This is the least the electorate deserve from their representatives, and tthe sooner 'politicians' recognise this the better it will be for all of us!

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