Sunday, 24 August 2008

Face Painting gets you noticed!!

So I am guilt ridden, I need to learn how to face-paint! I actually needed to learn how to face-paint yesterday when Anjona and I went to Kingsheath to support a local residents association event by providing free face painting for local children. After a slow start we were suddenly overwhelmed by huge numbers of children wanting their faces painted in every way imaginable from Spiderman to Bunny Rabbits. My inability to contribute meant that Anjona had to single handedly paint around 100 children's faces, so this is my next task, learn to face paint, all I need to do is find a willing child to practice on (our own having refused point blank, do they not trust me?).

But face painting gets you noticed, children like having their faces parents and the parents like it because we do it for FREE, and the added bonus is that when Anjona features in the press, or leaflets they may recognise her and consequently make the effort to vote for 'the face painting lady'! As a direct result of yesterdays activities Anjona has been invited to attend another community event next week and bring her paints!

If anyone has a willing child I can borrow to practice on I would be extremely grateful, otherwise I will have to go to the effort of capturing my son and tie him to a chair, not to mention never hearing the end of it!!!

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