Thursday, 21 August 2008

Lets have a look at the NHS....

Why not, the NHS is one of the most amazing institutions in the world, so why do people insist on knocking it? My darling daughter Justine has spent the last 3 years training to be a Nurse, at the beginning of her course she was slightly sceptical, not susprising given the negative tales the press seem to love to print. Today however her passion for the NHS susprises me, she has seen first hand the improvements that have been made, even in the past three years, and cannot see herself working anywhere else.

I am very proud of her, not only for the achievement of qualifying (which was especially difficult as she is quite dyslexic) but also for the growth in her knowledge a belief, she has decided to campaign for the Labour Party at the next General Election, not just because her 'Aunty Jo' may be a candidate but because she wants to see a government who will maintain and continue to improve the standards of care provided by the NHS.

THE NEWS today is focusing on criticising the dental treatment available on the NHS, now I am annoyed! We forget what a huge organisation our health service is and that it will take time to improve everything. And things are improving, ten years ago when my daughter needed a brace we were unable to get treatment, ten years on when my son is in the same position we can, ok the waiting list is two years but it is better than no treatment at all. Ten years ago BUPA would not have been able to advertise services 'if you had to wait more than six weeks' for NHS treatment, it would have been at least two years for everything!!

So cast your minds back and realise how lucky we are as a nation to have such services and that we have a government that is prepared to make itself unpopular (especially in terms of taxation) to save it for us!

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